The Order of the Arrow created the Distinguished Service Award in 1940 in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Order. The National Order of the Arrow Committee presents the Distinguished Service Award (DSA), every two years, to those Arrowmen who have rendered outstanding service to the Order on a region or national basis. The award is given primarily for dedicated service to the Order and Scouting over a period of years, and only a limited number of awards can be presented. Arrowmen whose service records are the most outstanding and extend the farthest beyond the lodge level are usually selected. Over the past 80 years, only 1019 have been awarded, making this recognition truly one of the rarest in scouting.
Wipala Wiki Lodge is very pleased and honored to announce that our very own Michael Minnis has been selected as a 2020 recipient.
Michael has been active in Scouting for 43 years, and the Order of the Arrow for over 35 years, and his continued service speaks for itself. His dedication to the program and the youth, comes from a true servant’s heart and his leadership has resulted in a positive impact on the youth and the program. He sets a great example for the youth on hard work, servant leadership, dedication and leadership. He serves willingly and unselfishly, without hesitation. Michael has a true passion for scouting and the Order of the Arrow, and it is reflective in the attitudes of the youth he works with.
Michael has a list of achievements and positions he has served in, that include: Lodge Chapter Chief, Lodge Chief, Section Adviser, OA Region Committee member, and varies council positions. More importantly…is why he serves. He has such a tremendous passion for serving others that it sets him apart as a truly remarkable and rare leader. His impacts on Scouting and the Order of the Arrow will continue to leave a positive lasting legacy upon those he serves.
Michael truly exemplifies “He who serves his fellows, is of all his fellows greatest, and Wipala Wiki is very proud of our Brother Michael Minnis for receiving the Distinguished Service Award.
Mike joins an elite group of Arrowmen who have been honored from Wipala Wiki lodge (and our predecessor lodges). See the full list here.
Michael’s very good friend and Lodge Adviser and fellow Distinguished Service Award recipient, Jeff Posey wrote this biography.
See the full list of 2020 recipients from this year here.